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South Auckland Votes is a non-partisan campaign and is part of the My Truth Movement, in the lead up to the 2023 General Election. The aim is to hear what matters most to South Auckland communities and encourage people to vote.

Thoughts about the delay of no government?

It’s been over a month since the election and we still have no government. The My Truth Movement team hit the streets to find out how people are feeling with this.
What do you think?

Thoughts on the Election Results?

#VoicesOnTheStreet asked our #SouthAuckland their thoughts on the #ElectionResults.

Here’s what they had to say.

Thoughts about voting and why it is important?

#VoicesOnTheStreet took to the streets in Manurewa and Ōtahuhu to find out what South Aucklanders are feeling about the General Election tomorrow as part of South Auckland Votes.

Find out what others think about voting and why it is important.

Don’t forget to make your voice heard and vote.

Thoughts about crime?

#VoicesOnTheStreet ask voters from Botany and Ōtāhuhu what is top of mind for them when it comes to crime.

Health issues?

#VoicesOnTheStreet asked our #SouthAucklandVotes what HEALTH issues were top of mind for them ahead of the #NZGeneralElections. Here’s what they had to say!

Thoughts about renting?

#VoicesOnTheStreet asked our people about renting. Almost a third of our country rents, and Pacific peoples are more likely to rent than the total population. As our Pacific peoples experience severe housing deprivation at a greater rate than the total population, we wanted to see what our people were thinking ahead of the #GeneralElection.

Political Parties - Thoughts?

#VoicesOnTheStreet asked what they thought about the political parties ahead of our 2023 General Election on October 14. Here’s what our people had to say! Do you agree? Make sure you enrol and cast your vote this year!

Voices on Voting.

#VoicesOnTheStreet asked our people if they’ll be voting come election time. This is what they had to say.

Vote to have a say, vote to be heard!

When ACT party leader said they should blow up the Ministry for Pacific Peoples. Here’s what our people thought about THAT sentiment.

GST off Fruit & Veges, is that enough?

GST Off Fruit and Veges, helpful or not enough? Let us know your thoughts! #VoicesOnTheStreet